Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2015

Vegetarier riskieren kaputte Zähne

Am 18. März 2015 publizierte das European Journal of Clinical Nutrition eine klinische Studie der Uni Hannover, die den Zusammenhang zwischen vegetarischer bzw. omnivorer Ernährung und dem Risiko der Enstehung von Karies und Erosion des Zahnschmelzes thematisiert.

Die Studie bestätigt auf Basis moderner Methodik was aus dem Übergang von Alt-auf Jungsteinzeit aus Skelettfunden bekannt ist: Ausgeprägt pflanzenreiche, insbesondere vegetarische Ernährung erhöht das Riskio von Karies und Zahnerosion und während sich Karies mittels Fluoridbehandlung limitieren läßt, ist das für die Zahnerosion nicht möglich.
von Robert Bock

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition advance online publication 18 March 2015; doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2015.20
Influence of fruit consumption and fluoride application on the prevalence of caries and erosion in vegetarians—a controlled clinical trial

I Staufenbiel, K Adam, A Deac, W Geurtsen and H Günay

Das Abstract der Studie:
"Background/Objectives: Caries and erosion are common diseases of the dental hard tissues. The influence of vegetarianism on the development of caries and erosion has scarcely been investigated in the past. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of fruit consumption and topical fluoride application on the prevalence of caries and erosion in vegetarians.

Subjects/Methods: In 100 vegetarians and 100 nonvegetarians, a dental examination was performed. The indices for decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT) and surfaces (DMFS) were determined. DMFT and DMFS were subdivided into decayed teeth (DT), filled teeth (FT), decayed surfaces (DS) and filled surfaces (FS). In addition, the hygiene index and the number of teeth with dental erosion (DE), root caries (RC) and overhanging restoration margins (ORM) were recorded. A questionnaire assessed patients’ eating habits, frequency of oral hygiene, dentist visits and topical fluoride application. For statistical analysis, unpaired t-test, Mann–Whitney test and Pearson’s chi-square test were applied.

Results: Vegetarians had significantly more DT (P<0.001), DS (P<0.001), more teeth with DE (P=0.026), RC (P=0.002) and ORM (P<0.001) than nonvegetarians. Daily consumption of fruits was significantly more prevalent (P<0.001), and topical fluoride application was less prevalent (P<0.001) in vegetarians compared with nonvegetarians. In particular, fluoride-containing toothpaste (P<0.001) and table salt (P=0.039) were less frequently used in vegetarians.

Conclusion: The presented data suggest that vegetarians have an increased risk for caries and erosion. Topical fluoride application was shown to be effective in preventing caries, but not in preventing erosion."

Mein Fazit: Ein weiterer Baustein im Nachweisgebäude, dass Vegetarismus, insbesondere Veganismus der Gesundheit schadet. Vegetarische Ernährung stellt ein Risiko für die Zahngesundheit dar und wer sich schon nicht artgerecht (omnivor paläolithisch) ernähren will, sollte entsprechende Prophylaxe betreiben.